Home serve sent an engineer around and reviewed the situation, i told them i believed my drain had been damaged by an earlier job carried out as the brake came directly under where the tarmac had been dug up in the past.
This was dismissed and i was told it could not be proven.
Homeserve came back with a £2500 bill to do the JOB and i was only covered for £2000 so they wanted £500 of me to continue. I argued this quote and asked if i could get my own engineer in if they would come in at £2000 so i would not have to fork out £500.
They would not allow this only their contractors could do the work. I was allowed to make 2 clams per year on separate jobs but nothing over 2000 per job, i discussed a number of ways that we could work around this issue but hmeserve where not helpful and demanded £500.
later in the year we decided to move house sell or rent and wanted to get this JOB resolved so i rang homeserve and agreed to pay the £500 to close the JOB off.
You guessed it. The fault was now logged on the computer as a known fault with the sewer and as i had not agreed to have it fixed when reported it was not marked as not claimable. they would not discuss so i canceled my insurance as it was just a waste of money.
This is why i decided to dig up the sewer pipe on my land and dig under the path until i got to the damage to see if i could see any reason why it was broken.
I did this and discovered a blue water pipe sitting on top of my clay pipe exactly where the damage was.
long story short, about 10 phone calls between seven Trent and south staffs and they agreed to repair the damage free of charge now they could see the damage.
Never give up and don't shell out money just for the sake of it.
Watch out for Homeserve insurance.
Thanks for reading.
As can now be seen at the bottom of this hole a new section of clay pipe has been put into place and secured with rubber couplings each end. Nice fix thanks for a job well done.