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Thursday 30 August 2007

Update on drain cam "A Stroke Of Luck"

Well i have been deciding when to dig up the drive and repair the drain pipe that is broken.

I have been waiting for some good weather and the motivation to do the job.

The major problem is that the brake in the pipe just protrudes onto the footpath by about 3 foot.

So the plan was to open up a hole on my drive big enough to remove the broken pipe and then to just the 3 foot under the path and then backfill.

This will eliminate the need to dig up the footpath.

I had a plan.

Today for a change i may have had a stroke of luck.

you know all that junk mail you get through the post, you know the stuff you need to purchase a large industrial shredder just to cope with the volume of it.

I received a letter, well to be honest about 6 but hay who is counting.

When i opened the letter i did read it because it looked slightly official, and it was from the Staffordshire water board.

It reads thank you for taking your 3 months of free internal and external sewage and water utility's cover but you 3 months of free cover ends on the 20/9/07.

could this be true, looks good to me.

Apparently i am covered for up to £2000 for external drain repairs.

What makes it extra special is that i have never had to pay anything.

Can I pull this off.

I will keep you all updated on this.

A phone call tomorrow should give me an answer to this question.


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